Posted by:
at Sat May 12 08:11:23 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by TnK ]
What type info ? As far as standard collection data(CITIES etc) there is none as the majority of them were smuggled in by 3 different guys over a period of acouple years. That whole "Dennis Sargent" thing is what has to stop.He has no real right to claim anything exclusive. He purchased animals from another breeder (WHO WAS FIRST TO REPRODUCE THEM)and then was successful at breeding those animals into acouple of litters. The whole thing basically started at Daytona and the urband "Roatan Isle" legend was born.He has no claim to fame in many peoples mind,but selling animals you produce entiltles you to name them whatever you want,LYING ABOUT Collection locales are the main point here. Getting support from big name breeders that post false information on their web-sites supporting/praiseing Dennis Sargent for his efforts only adds to the false data people are lead to believe as the truth. Where do we go with this line in uncertain,the need for proper understanding of the TRUTH is primary at this point.
Contact Dennis Sargent and ask him if what I post here is not the TRUTH.He has confessed to the locale lie and acts as if nothing is wrong with it.People have made investments and are now left felling pretty well ripped-off,many have dumped their projects and long since moved away from the whole mess.
One of the most intense bci ssp known has to have this type of history/stigma only tarnishs its rightfull position and respect do to one greedy person and their quest for "fame and fortune".
Plenty more can and most likely will be said ......
>>>>There is not that much info going around on the Honduran Fire Belly >>
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