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considered controversial......

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Posted by: FRoberts at Sun May 27 12:56:23 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FRoberts ]  

by many people because they think the resulting offspring are unnatural ( not occurring in nature ). It also is believed by some to pollute the genetic integrity of the animals, especially if somehow they are inadvertently or possibly purposely bred into a "pure" line of snakes. Plus, similar looking animals being hybridized can create progeny that are very hard to distinguish from the "pure form" For example, Indian and Burmese Pythons can create offspring that look like either form, well, bad example, because these are intergrades, but you get the point. I personally enjoy the scientific ramifications off hybrids and how it questions systematic's in general. A snake may end up being just that "a snake". As long as properly represented, people should be able to play "god" if they wish. Almost ALL snakes in the "Herpetoculture circle" are not suited for utilization in the "species survival plan" any way, if people in this hobby think they are breeding future populations that will someday be released into the wild, I can safely say 99 % would be considered unsuitable based on their genetic diversity alone, even with no "hybrids" being created. Too much line breeding and other practices going on that would make them unsuitable. If you believe this information to be inaccurate, please get someone who is charge, yes in charge, of making the "scientific decisions" in choosing animals for such a program that is sanctioned by the government and the scientific body. I am correct, of this I am certain!!!! So most arguments against hybrids I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND, but all in all, at this point in time, are basically redundant, this is because the people who make the decisions have already considered the herpetoculture hobbies resulting offspring, unsuitable for reintroduction into the wild. Most certainly, the creation of hybrids puts an even larger "black eye" on the herpetocultural community in the eyes of the scientific community ( you know, the " REAL EXPERTS OF KNOWLEDGE AND POWER " )

BTW I am Both PRO & Anti hybrid, go figure!!!!!!!!!

But let's say some day I want to breed a "this" to a "that" , that is MY right to do so, so therefore, it is your right to do so as far as I am concerned, but one thing, please make it more interesting than a Burmese to an African Rock, and no more carpondros, although VERY interesting I must admit, but when they mature they look like CRAP, if one could figure a way to make them keep their neonate coloration as adults, well then SIGN ME UP !!!!!!!!!!

Frank Roberts
Roberts' Realm Of Reptile Research


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