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Posted by: FRoberts at Sun May 27 14:40:12 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FRoberts ]  

Pro Hybrid = Ball X Woma

( just too AWESOME )

BY far the best to date!!!!! Better than Bateater's to me!!!

That Kevin ( Satan ) has lived up to his vernacular name on this one, sooo wicked-evil looking, it's a matter of course that a guy named SATAN Creates the CROSS ( evil grin, irony intended )

Anti Hybrid = Ball X Angolan

( similar phenotypes & Angolan is an endangered species, which should be avoided, oh yeah, the science department cannot use that specimen anyway even before the MAD SCIENTISTS dared play God )

Triple Dog Dare Ya, to try giving me an Ball/Angolan won't even see it leave your hands!!!!!!!!!! and well, since someone "polluted" the Angolans genetic integrity already, I will try "not" breeding it to a BURM, maybe back to a ball, so I can get the "approval" of the scientific and Herpetologic communities.

COMPLETE & Utterly contradicatory.....The Albino Rock X Burms Hybrid. I see why some frown upon Hybrids.

I like the anti-hybrid community being as adamant as they are. Even though our " pure" snakes ( in general ) are not suitable for reintroduction's into the wild, their , "pure line status" must be protected from any such "pollutants" and keep hybridization AS " a rare occurrences in Herpetoculture" ( UNLESS YOUR NAME IS SATAN ) By "a rare occurrence" I mean the ratio of "Purists" to "Pro hybrid types who are successful in their breeding trials"

I think the balance of the "Purists" to "Hybridizers" will ensure there are always, herpetoculturally speaking, "pure gene" lines represented in the captive environment.

I would NEVER want to sway an Anti-Hybrid herpetoculturists to the side of a Pro-Hybrid herpetoculturists. The more "Purists" the better, but I can't see one existing without the other in his "Hobby". So there will always be "pure lines" and "hybrid lines" as long as the one continues to out weigh the other.

Frank Roberts
Roberts' Realm Of Reptile Research


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