Posted by:
at Mon Jun 4 08:51:45 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ChrisGilbert ]
My cages for my adult boas run between 20-40 watts of total power. Flexwatt is very low wattage and effective.
Amount and size of food as well as the size of the adult enclosure varies a LOT depending on the exact type of boa you get, as well as if it is male or female.
For some good information on different subspecies and different locales you may want to check out a few sites: and I have some information on the different subpecies, locales, and all the morphs up on my site too. There are litteraly hundreds of choices of Boa constrictor (that is all ONE species).
So, pick a size, pick a color, boy or girl, and then you can work out feeding and a cage.
Most boas should be kept in a 4'x2' cage anywhere from 10"-18" tall. Feedings depend largely on type, but as frequent as 7-14 days for babies of various types, to anywhere from weekly to monthly feedings of adults (more dependent on sex and individual condition than anything). You also have to consider if you might breed. Boas should be raised a little different if breeding is the goal to make sure you have very healthy animals that are in the right condition and will still live a long life and lessen the stresses of breeding. -----
[ Hide Replies ]
- new pet? - willzy, Mon Jun 4 07:49:09 2007
- RE: new pet? - charmer, Mon Jun 4 08:48:29 2007
- RE: new pet? - ChrisGilbert, Mon Jun 4 08:51:45 2007
- RE: new pet? - iamsnakeshack, Mon Jun 4 14:43:43 2007