Posted by:
at Fri Jun 8 03:57:28 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by JJsBoas ]
Well here's the story:
Back in 2001, I bought a pair of hypos from an IRBA show in San Diego. The pair came from some who did business as Legal Addictions out of Las Vegas. I bought the pair for a more than reasonable fair market price (in other words, cheap!!). All I thought I had bought was a nice pair of hypos. Thank goodness I was wrong!!
Prior to this breeding season, the male had sired 2 previous litters with normal females (1 in 2004 and the other in 2006, both producing 1/2 hypos and 1/2 normals). Also last year, the female was bred to a normal male and had a nice litter of hypos resulting in 1/2 hypos and 1/2 normals. This year, I decided to put the two hypos together. The reason I hadn't paired them together before was because, from my understanding when I bought them, I thought they were siblings from the same litter and I generally do not like to breed two closely related animals. I'm actually still not sure if they are siblings or not because I don't know what ever happened to the breeder. Anyway, I bit the bullet and put them together to see what kind of possible super hypos they could produce, because from their past separate litters they were giving me some real nice hypos.
Well the female was due May 30 (105 days POS), but she obviously was not ready at that time. She had me losing sleep for over a week. She looked great throughout her entire gestation, so I wasn't too worried. I just wanted to see those babies.
So before I left for class this afternoon, I gave her cage a good spraying with water, hoping that would do something (I also gave her a cage a good spray this morning when I woke up). I was gone about 8 hours. I don't if the spraying did it, or she was just ready to go, but when I got back I found a SWEEEEEEEEETTTTTTT Surprise. Possible Super SUNGLOWS!!! ALBINOS!!! And some Possible DH Super Sunglows and Poss het albinos!!!
This is like lightning striking twice for me because last year I bred a female Anery Poss Het Snow with a male Normal Het Anery (confirmed with the breeder - NO Albino genes whatsoever), and a premie SNOW popped out (unfortunately the little snow didn't make it).
Needless to say, I was running around like a nutbag trying to figure out what to do. I have had boa litters before, but never anything like this.
Anyway, enough narrative. Here are some pics: first pic is the dam after giving birth, second pic is the sire, third pic is the group of babies in the cage after removing the momma.
Hope you all enjoy,
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