Posted by:
at Wed Jun 27 22:14:27 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by hiss_n_herps ]
Yeh, I was tired when I typed it in. I didn't mean to make the second animal a super, just a regular. With the two Samlontine het T Pos Argentine's I was expecting a little more variation. This is what I actually was looking for:
18.75% (3) - 50% Columbian 50% Argentine 66% Pos Het T Pos (1 normal cross, 2 Het) 6.25% (1) - T Pos 50% Columbian 50% Argentine 37.5% (6) - Salmontine 66% Pos Het T Pos Argentine (2 regular, 4 het) 12.5% (2) - T Pos Salmontine 18.75% (3) - Super Salmontine 66% Pos Het T Pos Argentine (1 regular, 2 Het) 6.25% (1) - T Pos Super Salmontine
I thought I might be able to catch you off guard with the 50/50 crosses. I would expect these to have a pattern similar to that of the columbians with the colors of the Argentines like some of the crosses I have seen posted as Salmontines over the last few months. I actually had the regular and het animals seperated out at first because I am assuming that these will also carry identifiers (markers) like their columbian cousins. we just haven't worked with them long enough to know just what to look for yet. I've was told that the Argentine T Pos hets have a Yellow base color in the striping in the tail. Have not been able to proove this yet but I'm hoping that the adult pair of 100% Het T Pos Argintines I am getting will help me determine this for sure. As soon as I produce my first litter of T Pos animals I will be using my Salmon Male to start working on this to prove it out.
Thanks Chris
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