Posted by:
at Wed Jun 27 19:18:24 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by HappyHillbilly ]
Well, Lady, you either have been paying attention and have a good memory, OR, you took the time to go back for a review of previous posts. Either way, I think it shows good problem-solving skills and care/concern.
Plus, I think you're dead on.
I've been flat covered up and haven't been able to post much in any section here at Niddy & I have exchanged a few e-mails since you & BDlvr first joined in our quest to figure out what's up with Bindy (beardie).
It's been a long, drawn-out, process of elimination but thanks to fresh ideas from the two of ya'll I think I've come to the same conclusion as your last reply. There's something about Bindy's setup that's she's not comfortable with.
> > > "After a few weeks, go back to handling her briefly, for only a few minutes."
I'd even go as far as suggesting that Bindy be petted, gently touched/stroked, for a few days before going back to picking her up.
> > > "Also, at her age, dragons can get into strange mood swings which may pass in a few weeks as well."
This is one thing that has sort of held me back on coming to a conclusion. I've got a male that's about 2 months or so older and he started acting like Bindy a fe weeks before she did. I kept holding onto the "phase" idea while trying to objectively look for other possibilities. This is also one reason why I didn't post my thoughts in niddy's first thread, so they wouldn't pollute anyone else's ideas.
My beardie was also placed in a new cage at, or about, the same time his behavior changed. However, mine has kind of come & gone, in/out his different behavior. I think my beardie's main problem is the two younger beardies I got about the same time that are housed in the same room. One I believe to be a female.
Anyway, I may be wrong but I think Bindy's been in her slump too long for it to be a phase, alone.
Summary: I think PHLdyPayne hit the nail on the head. No signs of parasites, diseases, impaction, dehydration, illnesses (other than stress), being gravid, cage/basking temps all seem to be fine, etc...
And I think your advice is as worthy as your diagnosis.
OK, I'd better stop there before I give you "the big head." LOL!
Well, there you go, niddy. I think the forum has proven its worth where me & you, alone, were having trouble coming to a definite conclusion. But with the help of others, collaboration, I think we've located the problem, now we just have to work on fixing it. It'll take some time, a nice, slow, approach should do the trick.
Thanks for helping out a friend. I owe you & BDlvr one.
Ya'll take care! HH ----- Due to political correctness run amuck, this ol' hillbilly is now referred to as an: Appalachian American
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