Posted by:
at Wed Jun 27 19:35:11 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by HappyHillbilly ]
> > > "Just take away the hide. That is the only solution."
I have to agree.
It almost goes against all logic because here we have a (likely) stressed beardie and the suggestion is to remove its hide, a place where it finds some comfort, relief from stress.
However, the logic behind this suggestion is that the beardie is choosing a mental state over its physical state, and thereby possibly making its mental state worse.
Giving the beardie time to itself like PHLdyPayne suggested earlier, will somewhat make up for removing the hide.
BDlvr, read my reply to PHLdyPayne above. I thanked you & her for your help on this situation within that reply. Thanks for your help!
niddy, What do you think? I honestly feel confident that we've nailed the problem, even though I don't think its very specific. I think its something to do with her new setup, maybe the basking branch, basking rock, some other item, or maybe even a combo. Now we just have to go thru the process of elimination to determine which specific item it is. Starting with anything that may be somwhat obvious or questionable.
Catch ya later! HH ----- Due to political correctness run amuck, this ol' hillbilly is now referred to as an: Appalachian American
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