Posted by:
at Thu Jun 28 17:20:42 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BDlvr ]
First of all. I want to say that damn "apalachian american"(lol) has been a real improvement to this forum. He is obviously very experienced and knowledgable. All of his posts are well thought out and intelligent. I can tell it comes from much experience and contemplation.
OK, now that he got his perk. lol. Lets move on.
Jeni, don't rely on what one person says. None of use have the all the answers. I personally think you should go the UVB route. Some dragons are fine without it and some are not. Your friend HH has an opposing opinion and I respect that. But, in your case I am concerned and would change everything I do until I find the solution. That's my 2 cents.
I don't regulate the low side temp. but I can tell you that if the ambient in a 4' x 2' enclosure is 91 (I use thermostats) then the ambient on the low side will be about 81 at the least in the summer.(I A/C to 75) I just feel that if yours is 70 then the ambient is no where near 90 on the hot side in only a 55 Gal. tank.
I don't think 65W is enough if you are using a 55 Gal. glass aquarium with a screen top. You need another lamp at least to spread out the heat. (this I'm sure of)
Maybe dragons don't need a UVB source. But, does it really cost that much to give them one. Plus, bright lighting stimulates eating and activity. One 65 Watt bulb is no where near as bright as it is outside. Cage brightness could really be your problem.
I don't understand your answer to the next one but if it means the tank is now on the floor when it was on a table the cat may seem much more menacing from this vantage point.
I'd really consider better lighting. Even if you are hard set on the no UVB thing I'd get regular long fluorescent bulbs. Sunlight is intense in the summer and dimmer in the winter. Fluorescents put out a whiter light and will make your enclosure much brighter that will really help. (B22 support me on this. lol.)
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