Posted by:
at Fri Jun 29 22:23:50 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by HappyHillbilly ]
Why are you two looking for someone to back you up? Ya'll are both doing a fine job and don't need any backup.
niddy, I am sorry, I plumb forgot all about your thread down here.
While I've got your attention, niddy, I want you to pay attention to what BDlvr said; "Jeni, don't rely on what one person says. None of use have the all the answers. I personally think you should go the UVB route. Some dragons are fine without it and some are not. Your friend HH has an opposing opinion and I respect that. But, in your case I am concerned and would change everything I do until I find the solution. That's my 2 cents." (Very well said, BDlvr!)
Jeni, I know this isn't the first time you've heard this argument for UVB, however, this is the first time you or I have heard it put in plain English, from someone with some common sense. What BDlvr just said in a few sentences is what someone we know failed to say within 3 pages. And he didn't state his beliefs as proven facts, he said, "That's my 2 cents."
Also, BDlvr has another point worth considering in another part of his post directly above this one of mine. He said something about how beardies like bright cages, how it stimulates activity & eating. This is true and can be accomplished with a UVB bulb. So now you have 2 bonuses for one item. (Its worth noting that for my adult male's setup I used one of those compact fluorscent lights for additional lighting, I don't have UVB for his setup.)
BDlvr also said, "in your case I am concerned and would change everything I do until I find the solution."
Remember what I said the other day about pulling out all the stops to try to get Bindy back to her old self? That could make it 3 bonuses for one item (UVB).
Remember Skeeter, that adult female I had got with sever impaction? Do you remember me telling you that I went out & bought a 4ft UVB just for her, in an effort to try everything I could to get her well?
I use that UVB on the two juveniles I have now. No, I can't tell a bit of difference between their growth rate, health, etc..., than with Scooter's (adult male) being kept without UVB.
I'm not switching sides on you, No UVB to UVB, I just don't want to hold you back, which in effect could hold Bindy back. Bindy may very well come around fine without it, but then again, it could be just that extra lil' push she needs.
I still suspect stress, but poor lighting & low heat could easily have a part in it. It can go hand-in-hand.
BDlvr, Thanks for the perk! LOL! Seriously, though, that is a good post. Very respectful, considerate and had lots of good points.
I'll have to catch up on the rest of this thread in the morning, my daughter needs my PC to make her birthday party invitations.
Ya'll take care & keep up the good work!!! HH ----- Due to political correctness run amuck, this ol' hillbilly is now referred to as an: Appalachian American
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