Posted by:
at Thu Jun 28 06:01:13 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by HappyHillbilly ]
> > > "so is the "take away his hide" what I should do?"
Hi Emily! No, that's not what niddy was saying. She was commenting (practically in awe) about how Ramses' symptoms are identical to her beardie's, Bindy.
Troubleshooting 101 One of the first things you do when troubleshooting something is look back to see what changes were made within a day or two of the onset of the subject's change.
In your case, were there any visible changes made to Ramses' setup (basking light, temperatures, etc...), change of food that you feed him, etc...?
Look for a trigger point. Once you find this, then you will know how to go about getting him back to his ol' self.
The removal of the hide in niddy's situation was just an extra step to force her beardie into getting her body temperature up to the ideal temperature range. It may well be a good idea for you to do the same thing but ideally you want Ramses to make that choice on his own, not having to force it. Since your situation hasn't been going on as long as niddy's I'd hold off on removing the hide, focusing more on "why" it doesn't want to bask in the basking spot you've provided.
It took quite awhile to come up with the conclusion drawn in niddy's case. Me & here discussed it for several weeks before I told her to join here to enlist the help of others. It was a long, draw-out, process of elimination, in her case. And even still we were unable to pinpoint an exact cause, but niddy will get that figured out because she's addressing some cage furniture theories, one-by-one.
You said he was pooping normally, does this mean that his poop isn't runny or really stinky?
Take your time and try to come up with any kind of changes in his environment that took place within a day or so of the time he started acting different. It could be something as simple & not obvious as the temperature of the room his setup is in being warmer than usual.
Is there more traffic in his area? Switch from one substrate to another? New beardie's in the same room? Double-check cage ambient temps & basking spot temps. Make sure he's not dehydrated.
Hang in there! HH ----- Due to political correctness run amuck, this ol' hillbilly is now referred to as an: Appalachian American
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