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at Tue Jul 3 05:14:20 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BDlvr ]
I'd say that's definately on the low side. I looked up what my last 6" dragons ate in the past and it was about 15 - 1/4" crickets a day over 2 meals. They grew an inch a week and their cricket intake increased dramatically also.
My best suggestion is to get a weight scale. If the dragon is gaining weight then I wouldn't be that concerned. A Myweigh 7001DX from is $39.
When I feed my dragons that size, I remove everything from the enclosure and then put crickets in, lets say 10 to start. Then whatever they don't eat in 1/2 hour I remove. I do this twice a day. I feel this gives then 2 times a day when they need to focus on eating crickets. I feel like your dragon just may be lazy since the crickets are always there. Some dragons chase the crickets but many seem to realize that if I stay in one spot long enough the crickets will come to them.
It's really hard to say though. Every dragon is different. I took in a dragon last year for someone that was 4" long and supposedly a few months old. I kept it under the same conditions as others and fed the same way. She was a very sluggish eater like yours. In the 7 weeks I had her she only grew 1 1/2" to 5 1/2". 8 weeks later she was back here with poor husbandry issues and 8" long. Again same conditions here and feeding method as before. Within a week she was eating 80 crix. a day and growing an inch a week. She is now my largest dragon both in length and weight. She has laid 99 eggs so far this year.
Also cricket size obviously makes a difference in volume. At 6" you are probably feeding her pet store smalls which are 3/8". I buy in bulk so I generally feed that size dragon 1/4". I've read (who knows if it's true or not) that more smaller crickets are better than less larger ones. Supposedly increases their digestion rate. But anyway if she's pooping everyday then that's good and I wouldn't be too ultra stressed about it. I would get the weight scale though, it is the best tool for monitoring the health of your dragon.
The Calcium has no Phosphorus right? You are using a multivitamin once a week? What size tank is she in?
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