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Posted by: Jeremy Stone at Wed Jul 4 01:19:48 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jeremy Stone ]  


It would help if you preface the question with where you got him from, or what they claimed it to be. ISn't that the Jungle you got from me??? The reason I say that is because there have been a lot of people in this forum posting animals from particular bloodlines that are abbearant with hypos that are NOT salmon jungles, and this could be a trick question that others don't want to answer because of that. You should breed him, and you'll see. For example. I have some hypo harlequins this year that look very much like Salmon Jungles, but they don't have the tounge that yours has. Hasn't he bred by now?

Other then his looks, the DEAD giveaway is the TOUNGE. Many salmon jungles will have that Red tounge like the Super Jungles. Even some very aberrant jungles will get the red in the tounge. However, it is a lot more common with Salmon Jungles. Also, SUPER jungles have red tounges. I have yet to see a Super Jungle that doens't have red in the tounge. So, the quetions you are asking about the Super Jungles floating around, I don't know because I don't know what which ones you are reffering to.

However, the DEAD give a way on the Super Jungle are 3 things. 1 the ARROWHEAD. The head marking

2 the Red Tounge or Red in the Tounge

3 the EYES!!!! Once you see enough, this doesn't need further explination.

I guess you could ad a 4th, and that would be the PARENTS. Both parents HAVE to be Jungles!!!!!

Jeremy Stone

Here is a picture of a NON aberrant Super Jungle Salmon. Also next to it is a Super Jungle. Both have BRIGHT red tounges. Even though this salmon super jungle doesn't look that aberrant, his color is insane next to a normal Salmon jungle. I will post a lot more pictures shortly of Super Jungles!!! They are one of my favorites because of the diversity in looks!!! The dead give away is the ARROWHEAD and the EYES!!!!


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>> Next Message:  RE: ABSOLUTLEY - adamirwin, Wed Jul 4 02:09:04 2007
>> Next Message:  What about this one Jeremy? - skyslinger, Wed Jul 4 10:57:31 2007 image in post

<< Previous Message:  Hypojungle? - adamirwin, Wed Jul 4 00:22:57 2007 image in post