Posted by:
at Thu Jul 5 20:16:22 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by liquidleaf ]
Amen. I use Photoshop every day at my 'day job'.
It's a great tool, for cropping and adjusting for photographic mistakes like too dark of exposures. The term "photoshopping", or that something has been "photoshopped" has come to become negative, for some people using it to make images that are far different from the original.
Using photo software to adjust brightness, contrast, and even color (for example, if you take photos under fluorescent lights, it can add an unrealistic green cast to your subject, which can be adjusted back to "normal" looking in Photoshop).
NOT everyone who uses Photoshop is altering their photos to misrepresent what is in it. And those lowlifes who do so, are usually so bad at it that you can see signs of "dishonest" photoshop work a mile away. Then again, if you see an AWESOME scarlet snake offered cheap from a person you had never heard from before, chances are it's too good to be true. No reputable breeder or wholesaler would alter an image to be misrepresentative, and have a good reptulation for very long.
Photoshop is my friend. Don't be hatin' on it. ----- Lauren Madar - | CageMakers 1.0 Ball Python, 1.0 Hog Island Boa (RIP DeeDee), 1.1 Hypo BCI, 1.1 Surinam BCC, 0.1 Green Tree Python
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