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RE: A little genetic help please.

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Posted by: strictly4fun at Fri Jul 6 17:14:22 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by strictly4fun ]  

Josh you could make triple hets with your female ghost and male albino. Since a ghost is a homozygous anery and one hypo gene (unless it is a possible super ghost) and your albino is a homozygous albino then the offspring would get one allele from each parent guaranteeing at least an anery gene and an albino gene but the ones that get the hypo gene as well are your triples. The normal looking offspring will all be double het snow (carring the anery and albino gene). Breeding those offspring together will give you a slim chance of a moonglow however I think 1/32

Snows will be made will the double het snows and the chances will be 1/16

The odds will greatly improve on the snows if you have either a homozygous carrier and a het-either an anery het albino or an albino het anery. If you have either one of these and mate that snake to a double het snow then the odds of snows are 1/8 and if the 2 snakes are anery het albino and albino het anery then 1/4 snows but boas have good size litters and the boa gods may be nice to you as well sometimes

Moonglows-you will have a greater chance of producing one of these if you have a snow which is obviously homozygous anery and albino which are both recessive traits so these are the genes you need to have a lot of. So a snow mated to a triple het would yield
1/8 moonglows
1/8 snows
1/8 sunglows het anery
1/8 albino het anery
1/8 ghost het albino
1/8 anery het albino
1/8 triple het
1/8 double het snow

use this link to find out your breedings-it will be your best friend too

Genetics Wizard


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<< Previous Message:  A little genetic help please. - mechanicguy1980, Thu Jul 5 20:27:10 2007