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IBD Discussion

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Posted by: VaranusAqua at Thu Jul 19 02:56:18 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by VaranusAqua ]  

Lately all thats been on my mind is IBD. None of my animals show symptoms, but i have taken the time to build a small but very slective collection and just the thought of my whole collection being wiped out in one sweep makes me queezy. I own a Schneller Redline that is so beautiful that i cant help but to open his draw and take him out into natural light at least once a day just to stare in awe at his colors, and everytime i do so i think about how IBD could wipe him out. Since I've heard about it i havent even gone to my local reptile swap (Lee Watsons) which was always a manditory thing for me, even if i wasn't planning on buying anything.

I've read about theories that this disease can be contracted simply through the air, so say this theory is true, and one or even more animals at a show had it, wouldnt a good portion of the animals at that show get it?

Maybe I'm not searching hard enough, but from the sources I've read IBD still seems like a very unkown subject to herpers and even vets. I felt like bringing it up because everyone here most likely owns boas, and i would imagine like you this problem can make any one of you a little paranoid. If anyone has ever delt with this condition first hand and would like to share their quarentine methods/ or guesses of how it spreads based on how their collection was effected it would be appreciated.

Again none of my animals show any symptoms, and the conditions their kept in are optimal, every one of them is very healthy so its not like im reaching out for help or NEED any input on the subject, but I'd like to hear how the rest of the boa communtity feels about it. I'd like to be as edjucated as possible, because this seems like a very serious issue, and from the looks of things it can only get worse. Sounds like IBD is the Aids of the boa/python world, and just like aids it will just keep spreading.
2.3 Bearded Dragons
1.0 Pastel Ball Pythons (NERD Line)
0.0.1 Water Monitors
1.1 Pastel Red Tailed boa Het. for Albino
1.1 Yellow Ackie Monitors
And Counting...


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>> Next topic:  What would I get if I... - gzyv15a, Thu Jul 19 06:31:47 2007
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