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Very Good Points...

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Posted by: DavidKendrick at Thu Jul 19 12:33:38 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DavidKendrick ]  

Another thing I havn't seen mentioned anywhere is the time frame?

How long does IBD take to kill the specimen its infected? Are we talking about days, weeks, months...from the time of symptoms? does it vary?

How long should someone wait to put an animal down after noticing abnormal behavor?

Have thier been boas die suddenly with no symptoms that prove out to have IBD?

I brought this up before, but do usually all the symptoms accure? or can only some symptoms happen? Example, regurge, but no Nuero, or Nuero no Regurge...ect..ect..

There are so many questions...But it seems anytime I have seen anything wrong with a Boa or Python, the first thing people revert to is IBD...I would like to know just how serious it really is? How many cases have been reported, or documented? You would think there would be many people talking about it or expereincing it, if it was that wide spread, or that easily transmitted, just think how many snakes come and go, or are sold in the classifieds, and how many of those are resold down the road....Thats alot of snakes exchanging hands, you would think people would be expereincing IBD first hand alot more than I see...I don't know anyone who has expereinced it, at least anybody that would admit to
Executive Reptiles
Amanda Kingsbury & David Kendrick


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>> Next topic:  What would I get if I... - gzyv15a, Thu Jul 19 06:31:47 2007
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