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Male Suriname Breeder Regurged TWICE!!!

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Posted by: CRPW at Mon Aug 6 09:44:40 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by CRPW ]  

Heres the deal. This snake is the pride and joy of my collection. His name is Deaconn and he was bred this year. He was eating fine before we bred him. Even the few meals in between he put down fine. He is in a rack now, by himself with a cobra heatpad. the air temp is about 84 and the heat pad is about 90 degrees. This is what he has always been kept at. This last time he regurged, he is not acting himself at all. He is weak, and moves really slow. He always has water, so he could be dehydrated, but after i cleaned up the disgusting mess, i put him back with a full bowl of water, and he drank the whole thing. could this just be because he puked his whole meal up, like to settle his stomach? He has pooped so he couldnt be impacted. Next time he poops i am going to do a fecal on it, to see if there are any parasites, but is there anything else i can do for my baby? He is making me nervous. He looks to be getting skinny. Any help at all would be great!!

1.1 Peruvian Redtails (Hera and Zeus)
1.2 Suriname Redtails (Deaconn, Grape Soda and Suri)
0.1 Argentine Redtail (Orio)
1.1 Crested Gecko (Illiana and Iziah)
1.0 Bearded Dragon (Taz)
1.0 Veiled Chameleon (Clyde)
0.0.1 Burmese Python (Big Burm)
1.0 Albino Burmese Python (Lil Burm)
0.0.2 Whites Tree Frogs (Peakaboo and Fatso)
1.0 Argentine B/W Tegu (Rocky)
1.0 DH Sunglow (poss. Triple Het Moonglow) (Brutus)
0.1 100% Het Albino Columbian (Shakira)
0.1 Sugar Glider (Sydney)


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>> Next Message:  RE: Male Suriname Breeder Regurged TWICE!!! - CRPW, Mon Aug 6 09:45:26 2007