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RE: Breeding 1 male to 2 females RTB's

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Posted by: liquid-leaf at Tue Aug 7 08:24:24 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by liquid-leaf ]  

To answer your other question -

You don't really need to cool boas to breed them. Some breeders get them to breed all year round. But they may have more of a reaction to the decreased LIGHT towards wintertime - most people start introducing males to females October -> January. Withhold food from both for at least a few weeks before introducing, possibly withhold food from the male for a month before.

Make sure to leave them together for long enough! If the male doesn't seem interested (coils up away from the female for multiple days in a row), take him out for a few days, and put him back in. Sometimes this triggers renewed interest.

You can leave them together (separating occasionally for feeding or just to renew interest every now and then) for months... Read up on ovulation and all that stuff so you can recognize when the female ovulates. Still leave the male in if you notice ovulation swelling, but keep a watch for a shed cycle in the female. Only take the male out if the female sheds, and the male loses interest (or if you are absolutely certain she has become pregnant, which can be hard to tell). No harm in leaving the male in if he is interested.

We didn't have any luck this year, but will be trying again this fall/winter!
Lauren Madar - | CageMakers
1.0 BP, 1.0 Hog Is., 1.1 Hypo BCI, 1.1 Surinam BCC, 0.1 GTP


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<< Previous Message:  Breeding 1 male to 2 females RTB's - cammyleon, Mon Aug 6 18:32:47 2007