Posted by:
at Tue Aug 28 11:56:41 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by LSD ]
Well, it's sounding like he's trying to take advantage of you.
At best, if you really want to do it, he's entitled to the price difference between the two sexes.
If you figure, back in 2003, Het for Albinos females went between 250 and 350. Males between 100 and 200. Prices depended on quality. Then take the median price of each, 300 and 150. BTW it's been 4 years and I'm just guessing at the prices in 2003.
The aboslute most he would get is 150. That is "if" it's the same snake and it turned out to be a male. Also if you absolutely felt the need to do anything after so much time has passed. He'd also need some serious proof in order to get that much money, after so much time has passed.
In reality, it's been 4 very long years. All he's actually entilted to is an apology.
BTW Since he asked for an Albino... That sort of makes it seem like he's trying to scam you. If he had simply asked for the price difference or a partial refund... Then it would make him seem like a person that got a mis-sexed snake and he simply wanted what was fair.
[ Hide Replies ]
- Mis-sexed, need opinions - AbsoluteApril, Mon Aug 27 14:04:35 2007
- RE: Mis-sexed, need opinions - Jeff Clark, Mon Aug 27 14:51:29 2007
- RE: Mis-sexed, need opinions - Jeremy Stone, Mon Aug 27 14:59:36 2007
- RE: Mis-sexed, need opinions - Sunshine, Mon Aug 27 15:48:00 2007
- Another point ... - GainesReptiles, Mon Aug 27 16:07:31 2007
- RE: Mis-sexed, need opinions - AndrewPotts, Tue Aug 28 14:51:51 2007
- Issue RESOLVED - AbsoluteApril, Wed Aug 29 11:45:03 2007