Posted by:
at Wed Sep 26 18:57:30 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by charmer ]
But my boas are stuck with me... FOREVER! LOL! Or until one of us, me or them, pass on! You know, I'm a girl and I frequently change deoderants, lotions, and sometimes spray body scents (not usually purfumes as the smell is so strong that I usually get sick myself) when I am going out, etc. I'm sure I have carried those scents in with me a time or two, or many more, but I've never had such a response from my own snakes. I have a smaller collection of around 34, well smaller compared to some of you big guys! Maybe I am just lucky? Or I have better taste!? ;p I prefer to believe the latter! However, I did have one response similar, not as drastic as far as the striking repeatedly and viciously. My father (An alcoholic/with other worse habits, who hangs with that general type of person) brought a lady friend over (believe me, that is generalizing her nicely!). Naturally he wanted me to show off my snakes, I brought out my newer albino male whom I'd been handling without issue for a couple months; a stupid decision on my part. He nailed me, from quite a distance, near the eye... immediately upon exiting the cage. It was unexpected and he hasn't done it again, nor before that incident, but goes to show there are always factors to be aware of and to never to be careless in handling an animal, no matter how comfortable. I had to visit an eye doctor for a scratch on the white of my eye, I was told how lucky I was that I wasn't 'leaking' as the doctor put it and given a contact lens with solution to wear for a week. I don't consider myself a newbie, but I am always aware of my snakes behaviour before and during handling now. Was it the lady and her cheap purfume? I may never know... On a side note, I am much more wary about whom I show my small scale collection to now. I was told by a bigger breeder to always be wary whom you admit the worth of or show your sometimes 'expensive' collection to, even if it's someone that is a friend of your trusted friend or relative, which should have been obvious to me, but I wanted to impress my Father. I think I've learnt a great deal from the incident, but back on topic who knows what really did it, but I trust animals insticts on many things. Something, even if it's smell, can show a lot about a person. Just my two cents... and a little silly story! Steph S.
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