Posted by:
at Fri Sep 28 10:32:48 2007 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Rainshadow ]
I'm certainly no expert,however,I DID stay in a Holiday Inn Express once I wouldn't go so far as to say "albinism had nothing to do with tyrosinase" just that its presence is not the culprit behind the subsequent resulting appearence,but rather it is widely assumed to be the primary target of the inhibitor.In cases where we lack accurate test results we tend to default to what has been learned from studies done on similar conditions in other species,and this is where these terms,and presumed facts come from...albinism is what I call one of the "universal" genetic mutations,as it is widely known to occur in thousands of other species of animals...what we call "hypos" in the Boa Community,is something completely different,and another can of worms entirely,and I don't see a "universal" denominator,nor do I feel,(personally) that it has been properly catagorized...but,we'll save that for a future thread (*lol*) always happy to contribute,and shed a little light,where,and when I can...keep doing the good things you do..."R" -----
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