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MD reg changes explained, deadline Mon.

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Posted by: Katrina at Fri Oct 12 06:54:42 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Katrina ]  

Here is a brief summary of MD proposed reg changes as they pertain to turtles (I only work with turtles, so that's all I'll cover here):

Keep in mind that if you don't have paperwork on your native MD animals, they are considered taken from the wild in MD.

Also, NO regulated turtle taken from the wild in MD is allowed to be sold.

Here is what the proposed changes to the regulations will do:

- Add redbellies, painted, mud, and stinkpots to List A (up to 4 kept without a permit).

- Add terrapins to List A (with the caveat that only 3 can be in possession without a permit, as per MD state law).

- Allow the breeding of regulated turtles (List A and B turtles) by a person who holds a permit. Breeding records must be maintained by the permittee. Currently you cannot breed turtles in MD.

- Allow the sale of actively produced offspring with a permit. If the turtle is sold in Maryland, it must be 4" in carapace length due to MD health code regulations. If the turtle is sold outside of MD, it can be under 4". Breeding records must be maintained by the permittee.

- Add shipping requirements (amphibians and juvenile turtles must be shipped damp, containers must be the appropriate size for the animal, vehicles and shipping containers shall have adequate ventilation etc.). Currently there are no shipping requirements in MD reptile regulations.

- Allow the grandfathering of the painted turtle, eastern mud turtle, northern red-bellied cooter, and stinkpot possessed prior to the effective date of this regulation, if the person possesses more than four individuals.

- Turtles adopted from a licensed MD rescue will be considered "captively produced" (not wild caught) with accompanying paperwork.


LIST A - you can have up to four without a permit - you must have a permit if you breed, trade, barter, or sell, or if you have more than four. ONLY FOUR may have been removed from the wild in MD. (No paperwork to prove otherwise means they were taken from the wild in MD.) Currently there are no List A turtles.

LIST B - you can have ONE without a permit - you must have a permit if you breed, trade, barter, or sell, or if you have more than one. For North American wood and spotted turtles, NONE may have come from the wild in Maryland. For eastern box turtles, only one may have come from the wild in Maryland. (No paperwork to prove otherwise means they were taken from the wild in MD.) Currently only the eastern box, wood, and spotted turtle are in List B. This is not changing in the proposed changes to the regulations.

LIST C - The average person cannot have them. They can only be held with a scientific permit. This is the bog, common map, and spiny softshell. This is NOT changing in the proposed changes to the regulations.

Glenn D. Therres, Associate Director
DNR-Wildlife and Heritage Service,
580 Taylor Ave E-1, Annapolis, MD 21401,
or call 410-260-8540,
or email to
or fax to 410-260-8596.

Comments will be accepted through October 15, 2007.
Reference proposed changes to the Captive Reptile and Amphibian regulations as per the MD Register, Volume 34, Issue 19, issue date September 14, 2007.

The official copy of the proposed changes are in the MD Register at


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