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RE: TP&W Commisioners Meeting - November 7

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Posted by: jtedens at Thu Nov 8 08:28:44 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jtedens ]  

Which 5 constrictors are to be 'controlled'? I believe 4 are anaconda, retics, burmese, & rock pythons. What is the fifth species? Possibly scrub pythons?
Are non-indigineous venomous species anything not described as being found in Texas or does the term apply to anything not found within the U.S.? If we are to have a permit system for non-indigenous venomous species then we should appropriate the fees to develop an antivenin bank such as Miami-Dade. Are there any plans for such or is this just another way for the state to make money and give nothing back to people it affects? Will the permit system require being mentorred by somebody with XXX hours of experience with venomous species? What about people already in possession of such animals for either commercial or recreational purposes, will confiscation take place until they complete the number of hours of mentorship? How will the zoos handle the huge influx of animals or will they simply be euthanised?
Also, is there a complete list of email addresses & phone numbers for all TPWD officers & officials associated with this to attempt to question them directly about these matters? I have found several from TPWD's website, but with only fax numbers & snail mail addresses if I remember right. Posting a link with all such info on every page associated with these hearings would be a wonderful idea for people to get a direct contact immediately after reading about the atrocious way some of these activities have been perpetrated against us.

Regards, John


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>> Next Message:  RE: TP&W Commisioners Meeting - November 7 - jscrick, Fri Nov 9 00:46:03 2007

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