Posted by:
at Fri May 9 03:10:24 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by reptilicus81 ]
I think!
We bred a pastel male that I picked up from my brother who wasn't able to handle him, and a normal female that I got as an adult from a pet shop for $100. We got 13 slugs, 2 stillborn (conjoined twins), 3 severely kinked tails (I had to cull them, they were horrible)...I was feeling terrible, and then..... I saw an albino. Turns out my normal pet shop snakes are 100% hets!
The albino has a knot in its umbilical cord and it is not absorbing its yolk....some advice please...I tried untying it, but the yolk is too big. Help!
Here are some pics...Mom is doing well, although she is grumpy as ever. I will have more pictures once the babies are cleaned up.

 These guys are totally going to be preserved for my high school class! Weird.
I think that the defects may be a result of fluctuating temps. I have had her in a Vision for the last few months with a heat pad, but I do not have the pad hooked up to a thermostat. That's my guess. Anyone have any other ideas to what may have caused all of the defects?
Thanks for listening to my is 3 a.m. and I am a bit stir crazy! ----- Thanks, Amy My Boids
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Hit the Jackpot! - reptilicus81, Fri May 9 03:10:24 2008