Posted by:
at Sun May 18 04:13:57 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by OHI ]
HSUS is an organization that pushes a banning agenda. They have written negatively about the herp industry many times. They are pro-banning rather than coming up with win/win scenarios. They support the box turtle banning agenda for sure. They sponsor a conference every year with academia on box turtles. It is attend by left wing like, heavily animal rights influenced academics. They all want to ban the collection, sale and keeping of boxies for the most part. Of course they don't go after the major impacts like development, roads, climate change, etc. They are focused, as are most academics, on shutting down commercial trade, collection and captive propagation. From what I have seen HSUS is bad news. Did anyone read their response to the python info request? I was supposed to get a copy but I haven't seen it yet.
I just checked their site. They work with the API so they are bad news. I saw where they want to ban pythons in Ohio and Indiana. It doesn't seem as if Reptiles mag should be associating with them at all. Why run an ad for an organization that wants to shut down the industry you publish a magazine for? It doesn't look good or make sense.
Mike Welker El Paso, TX
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