Posted by:
at Wed Jun 18 12:06:28 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ]
Your point is well taken and we too feel strongly about the purity of certain localities or bloodlines. Actually, that male is 5 years old and we raised him solely with the intent of finding a female that is a true Central Brazilian boa. There are so few in the country that we finally realized that it could be many years before we find the right female. It was me that said to Rich "what a shame it would be if that incredible male never reproduced his own kind so lets pick out a very special morph for him to breed in case we never find the right Central Brazilian girl."
So I guess my point is that our passion is making new and exciting boas, whether from pure x pure, morph x morph, or pure x morph. As you mentioned, the Roswell is a perfect example of what can happen. I can only dream that this fella has something special hiding inside that will pop out when we produce Brazilian Sunglows!
Thanks for your post Jared!
Great day! John
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