Posted by:
at Thu Jun 19 07:59:23 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jonathan_Brady ]
Here we go. Found this on the following site:
It looks like based on crude protein % and crude fat %, mice weighing between 3 and 10 grams are the best for boas. Mice over 10g show about equal ratios as similarly weighted rats. However!!! Rats at that size do have bellies full of moms VERY FATTY milk, so this could pose a problem (and based on the experience of some people I've talked to since posting the original thread yesterday, DO pose a problem) for baby boas. The problems experienced are runny, clay-like stools and regurg.
The recommendation I received was to start on mice, feed mice until they are no longer an adequate meal for a boa, then switch to small rats weighing approximately 70 grams. With this feeding regimen, the runny stools and regurg are supposed to clear on their own. I've never had the regurg problem (probably because I space out my feedings) but I have experienced the runny stools and just attributed it to a baby boas underdeveloped/underutilized GI tract.
Thought the info I gathered was helpful and that it may be helpful to others.
_______________The above is just opinion and anecdotal evidence, except for the chart posted, that's science! lol____________
jb ----- Jonathan Brady *You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.*
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