Posted by:
at Thu Jul 31 16:48:44 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Jonathan_Brady ]
I will call it what the person I bought it from calls it. If they say Suriname and seem trustworthy, intelligent, and have a good reputation as well as a story that adds up, it's a Suriname. Same thing with Guyana. Note: I won't buy an animal advertised as "Guyana Shield".
As for the animals I sell, see above.
If I decide to pair up two animals in my collection, they will be matched with another animal from the same country "locale". I will not cross Suriname with Guyana and here's why. It's a pain in the BUTT!!! Do I really want to spend hours upon hours explaining to people why I have advertised an animal as a "Suriname x Guyana" via email or phone call? No. Do I want to spend hours explaining what the "Guyana Shield" is? No. So I breed Suriname to Suriname and Guyana to Guyana.
As a side note, I have a GREAT DISDAIN for those who breed a Suriname to a Guyana and call the babies all Surinames. Or they go through and "pick out" the Surinames and Guyanans. It's purely marketing and IMO, makes them dishonest. Idiots. Even dishonest idiots!
The way I see it, once I sell it, the buyer is going to call it what they want. If I sell it as Guyana and they want to call it something LESS SPECIFIC like "Guyana Shield", that's their business! And it's not incorrect to say that. If they're educated enough about BCC to know what the Guyana Shield is, they can make that choice on their own. I repeat: ON THEIR OWN!!! However, if they say it's a Suriname and I sold it as a Guyana, I'll correct them because it's not what I told them, it IS incorrect, and my name is attached to that animal.
Everything above that I said can basically be summed up with this:
I honestly don't see the reasoning behind generalizing something that's relatively specific if you believe it to be true with a high degree of certainty. If you don't trust your source and you feel you have to generalize to CYA, don't buy from them!! DUH! So many things seem like common sense in this world, yet so many things are not.
jb ----- Jonathan Brady *You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.*
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