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As Reuben already said.......

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Posted by: rainbowsrus at Fri Aug 22 15:53:23 2008   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]  

It's not that you can't do it, they will breed and you will eventually come out with albinos. The REAL problems is when you do get an albino, Unless you have a magic 8-ball, you CAN'T say for certain whether it's Kahl or Sharp and each of those babies would require a minimum of two breeding trials to see what genes were actually in them. Unless for example your first guess was Kahl and you bred the albino to a known Kahl and got no albinos, then you'd know it was a Sharp (not het for Kahl). Each of these breeding trials would produce more babies that most likely will also have unclear genetics. All that needs to happen to really throw a monkey wrench in someones breeding plans is for two animals known to have genes from the same strain, to both also be het for the other (unknown or ignored). Than any albino's out of that pairing "could" be the other strain. Any animal sold as the wrong strain would mess up the breeding plans of whoever ended up with it.

Dave Colling

0.1 Wife (WC and still very fiesty)
0.2 kids (CBB, a big part of our selective breeding program)

LOL, to many snakes to list, last count:
26.49 BRB
20.21 BCI
And those are only the breeders

lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats


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>> Next Message:  RE: As Reuben already said....... - Calder, Fri Aug 22 16:04:29 2008

<< Previous Message:  RE: Maybe not.... - Calder, Fri Aug 22 15:11:58 2008