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RE: New boas from Daytona

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Posted by: SugarFox03 at Tue Aug 26 20:19:07 2008   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by SugarFox03 ]  

Glad to see you're getting some humor from my post. Put it this way...say you make something completely clear in a post, doesn't matter what, and someone comes right behind you and questions it.

I'm positive I made it clear that these two were just pets. Then you come behind me with this:

"Why would you get a male and female if you are not planning on breeding? Are the boas ALWAYS going to be kept in seperate enclosures?"

Really, was that necessary? Do you really think you're important enough to need to know why I CHOSE to bring home a male and female?

Sure, I'm new to boas, but that doesn't mean I don't have the best intentions in mind. So I bought a male and a female boa, why do YOU care what gender snakes I bring home? Maybe I liked the way she looked, maybe I just like to have more than one, maybe I have a friend who breeds boas and would like to use her in their program. I understand the plight of one-eyed albino's and do not want to add to that.

What I am trying to get at here is you should really mind your own business, and practice what you preach:

"How about we learn to take something for what it is."

I am pretty sure "He's a pet only..." couldn't have been any more straight forward than that.

To the rest, thanks for positive comments. I hope to continue learning about these guys and give them the best life possible.

Have a good night.
0.1 American Bulldog - Maui
0.1 Shiba Inu - Mako
1.0 Pit Bull - Magnum
2.0 White DSH Cats - Lucaya (Luke) & Fiji
1.1 Ferrets - Demolition & Derby
1.0 Sunrise Corn Snake - Tequila
1.0 Orange Bearded Dragon - Orin
1.0 Albino Leopard Gecko - Ed
0.1 Spider ball python
0.2 Pastel ball python
0.2 Normal ball python
0.1 Salmon boa
1.0 Albino boa


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