Posted by:
at Tue Aug 26 21:32:12 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by VFR ]
Glad to see you're getting some humor from my post. Put it this way...say you make something completely clear in a post, doesn't matter what, and someone comes right behind you and questions it.
First, you are not the first to post boas stating that they were not going to breed. Some people have posted exactly what you did and then produced boas.
I'm positive I made it clear that these two were just pets. Then you come behind me with this:
"Why would you get a male and female if you are not planning on breeding? Are the boas ALWAYS going to be kept in seperate enclosures?"
Again, read my post above.
Really, was that necessary? Do you really think you're important enough to need to know why I CHOSE to bring home a male and female?
Next, you posted in a forum. Am I not free to ask questions about animals you post in a public forum?
Sure, I'm new to boas, but that doesn't mean I don't have the best intentions in mind. So I bought a male and a female boa, why do YOU care what gender snakes I bring home? Maybe I liked the way she looked, maybe I just like to have more than one, maybe I have a friend who breeds boas and would like to use her in their program. I understand the plight of one-eyed albino's and do not want to add to that.
You are right, I don't know why you purchased a male and female, THAT IS WHY I ASKED. Lets look at the first question "Why would you get a male and female if you are not planning on breeding? Does that really stab at your heart? Like YOU said, how do I know what you are doing with them? THAT IS WHY I ASKED. Next question "Are the boas ALWAYS going to be kept in seperate enclosures?" That is a very legit question. and like I said in my previous post, I seriously do not believe anyone on this post would disgree with my comment.
What I am trying to get at here is you should really mind your own business, and practice what you preach:
Mind my own business? Did you forget this is a forum? Why would you post ANYTHING in a forum knowing that you may hear something you may not like? This forum is the business of anyone who frequents it.
"How about we learn to take something for what it is."
Yes! A question.
I am pretty sure "He's a pet only..." couldn't have been any more straight forward than that.
Of course it is not your fault that other people have stated "He's a pet only..." and later produced. But I'm not psychic.
To the rest, thanks for positive comments. I hope to continue learning about these guys and give them the best life possible.
Maybe next time, instead of jumping the gun, you could just ask yourself if you are really being verbally attacked. This post did not even have to come close to this type of conclusion.
Have a good night.
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