Posted by:
at Wed Aug 27 10:07:10 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by VFR ]
VRF, You have a way of getting things wrong and if you have a problem with the fact that this snake was not put down, I don't.
What is up with you guys coming to all these conclusions? When did I ever state anything about putting anything down? You have your way of intrepeting a question all twisted up.
First of all the labs that came back on this snake and his brother were negative to them being a gene factor. Secondly it was sold as a pet and I still have it's brother. I don't plan on breeding him either, but my wife and I believe that any animal who can lead a good life despite it's handicap, should have the chance. I have 94 snakes and several have handicaps, but they have a good life with us. With people like you it's just a business, it's not for us.
See, this is what is wrong here. You don't know me but instead of asking me a question as I was attempting to, you make statements as if you know my values? For someone to come off feeling extremely offended by what they felt were inappropriate questions and respond with even more negative comments and assumptions just makes you a HUGE hypocrite. How about you ask me a reasonable question/s and I promise you I won't easily get offended and respond with an attack, instead I will answer your questions so that you can get a better understanding of who I am and what my values are and then you will be able to come to a more accurate conclusion.
All of our snakes are pets first; then breeders.
Rick's Serpent Rescue, etc.
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