Posted by:
at Wed Aug 27 13:10:26 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Ruben14 ]
Ok, heres my outlook on this sense some of my comments were mentioned. I've gone back and rean VFR's post many times and I can see where the original poster took offense to it. The way it was writen and certain words in caps can definitely be taken like someone was is being aggresive even if it wasn't meant that way. This has happened to me in the past and was a big deal and I didn't even mean for it to be takin that way. I went back reread my post and realized that eventhough I didn't mean it that way I could totally see how it could be interpreted that way cause it's not easy to express emotion or whatever when you write. So, eventhough I was joking with the person, it looked like I was attacking them. That was just my experience and just an example to what i'm trying to get at. Sometimes short and to the point responses can be takin that way. One thing we all have to remember is that this is a public forum where we can post our animals,ask questions and make new friends. When one posts a new thread they have to be ready for any and all opinions and replies, good or bad. Kingsnake is very particular with posts that they feel are out of hand or abusive. I'm sure, this post has been and is still being watched for "abuse". The fact that it's still up means that the moderater read it and doesn't see anything wrong yet. I think VFR was just trying to stress the fact that one eye'd albino's shouldn't be bred and was just making an observation from what he saw in the pix and the fact that you said they were your first boas and were new to them eventhough you stated they weren't going to be bred. I know VFR as he lives in my area and works with a lot of stuff I do so we've been in contact in the past. I can say from meeting up with him he's a good guy and a family man that loves his boas and everything that has to do with them. I don't think he'd deliberately come on here just to be mean or start something. There are people like that on here sometimes unfortunately but they're usually weeded out and banned. Thats all I have to say about that as I don't want it to seem like i'm taking sides with anyone.
Now, my outlook on the one eyed being bred.Seeing that he had two eyes when born and one was infected and not missing it's not a genetic thing and I think you should have no problem or worries about breeding him. This buldgy infected eye thing happens with both strains more then you think and I know for a fact,that even the "Bigger" more well know breeders that have these animals in their litters and can't save the eye, keep them for their own breedings down the road. They don't always talk about or mention it but it does happen cause they've all or most have come to the conclusion that an infected eye isn't a genetic defect. It's just something that happens that like I said above is treatable if it's addressed right away and isn't too far along yet. It would be a whole different story if it was never there. So,if down the road you decide you want to breed him I say go for it. Just explain to the potential buyer what I just explained above and it shouldn't be an issue.
Wow,that took way longer to type then I thought but I hope it helps the curent situation. Hope everyone has a good day! Take care!
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