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RE: Supers Infertile?

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Posted by: brd at Thu Oct 9 20:15:37 2008   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by brd ]  

Well, I find this post very interesting. I do not own a Motley or Jungle but I am looking at buying a male Motley het Albino very soon. I like the Motley and the Super Motley. I have some questions.

I know that a lot of big name breeders who have Super Motleys come on here and post all of the time regarding a lot of different things.

Why aren't these big name breeders responding to this post, it has been up for two days now? I am sure they have seen it.

I think that if Supers are not able to reproduce then it would make Supers more or less worthless.

Who wants to pay that kind of money for " just a pet"?
No one, people who have invested in Supers are hoping to breed them for a big pay day. And think about this, a female Motley or female Jungle would be worth a lot less if Supers could not reproduce because you have to have a female to make Supers. If Supers (in my opinion) are worthless, then why would you even need a female?

If the big name breeders are holding back information it's because they know it will hurt the value of these animals. If they are selling Supers knowing that they are not able to reproduce and they are not telling people then I think that is wrong. There are people buying and trading for Supers all the time. All of these people will end up being hurt in the end.

Where are all of the pics of adult Supers?

Can someone post a pic of a 20lb, or bigger, Super?

Do they reach a point in thier growth and then stop?

Do Supers stay healthy and problem free?

If Super Motleys have a different tongue flicker then a regular Motley is it possible that a Super has a genetic brain disorder?

Doesn't the brain control the tongue?

Maybe the Supers lack certain instincts that are passed on. The brain controls the breeding like how and when, doesn't it?

Is it possible that they are somewhat retarded?

I don't think people should compare Ball Pythons to Boas. They are very different, like apples and oranges. After reading this I am still going to get a male Motley, but now I think females are worth a lot less and a Super in my opinion is worth nothing. I hope all of my questions and all of the questions will soon be answered. I will definatly wait on buying a female Motley for sure. These are some of my thoughts and opinions, I hope no one is offended by any of my questions or remarks. Thanks for reading


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