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RE: ivory ghost genetics????

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Posted by: mpollard at Tue Nov 11 19:36:16 2008   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mpollard ]  

Thanks for the insight, Lar. You should never debate over whether or not to post your opinioin, that's what these forums are for and keeps life interesting!

I don't disagree with anything you said. My only reference is that I have seen more than a few "Ivory" animals in the market, but have not seen too many Pastel Dreams. Since Anery is a recessive trait, you'd think one would see Pastel Dream animals available at least as often as the Ivories.

I suppose that's the difficulty in "branding" lines. How does anyone ever really know? With doms, co-doms, recessives, etc. its easy to "prove" what you have though breeding trials. Without a "stud-book", lines are outbred and then no one knows how much of the original lineage survives. For example, if one were to bred a known Ivory Anery (of Pastel Dream lineage) to a regular Pastel Anery, would the offspring still be considered Ivory Anerys? And, if those offspring were later breed to an unrelated Ghost, would those offspring be Ivory Anerys and Ivory Ghosts? How far removed can the original Pastel Dream be before rights to the "Ivory" term becomes no longer valid?

I mean no disrespect to Jeff, or the work he has done. He's a great guy and I have nothing but respect for him. My point is that without "standards" (such as with pedigree dogs, thouroughbreds, etc...) there is no methodology to keeping "lines" pure. Therefore, and not even with mal-intent, "lines" become lost and "brand names" such as Ivory, become generic descriptors for things such as Pastel Anerys, opposed to a verifiable fact of origin. This does not happen with morphs because, as I said earlier, they can be proved/disproved through breeding.

So, in short (maybe not so short?) ,I don't dispute anything you said, or deny Jeff's (or anyone else's) right to name a line, but the reality is that over time, brand names can (often will) be lost and become adjectives used to generalize characteristics, such as phenotypes, in the market.

Just my observation, and probably not even worth $.02!


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