Posted by:
at Tue Nov 11 21:07:05 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by LarM ]
I just lost my entire response to your post,LOL ouch. To start with,being able to trace a Boas origin back to the Breeder helps maybe a bill of sale.Hopefully your dealing with a person who has Integrity and Honesty.So you can be certain what they say is true.Its also up to the buyer to be aware of the different traits how they work etc.So as to properly identify a Boa for what it is or is not. Now For instance with the Pastel Dream Boa bloodline, breed it to another Boa. Now all the babies can be considered part of the Pastel Dream Bloodline. Although not all of those babies are Pastel Boas / Pastel Dream Boas. You have to use proper knowledge and scrutiny to identify Boas in the litter that can be labeled Pastel Boas. Same goes for Ivory Anery Boas. You have to be able to identify the traits that make an Ivory Boa.As the name implies ,"Ivory" meaning lighter and cleaner Anery Boas. I do believe many Anery Boas are labeled falsely as Ivory. True Pastel Dream Boas are still very uncommon. Dealing with reputable knowledgeable people is very helpful as well. This all does leave an opening for dishonest people to label a Boa how ever they see fit as a selling point. Buyer be ware,right ?! LOL Also in the long run its about the Boa that you consider the nicest and displays those traits you find mosdt attractive. So if it appears to be nice and catches your eye. Then it should make you happy to own it. There is no standard to show pedigree that is true.Hopefully most people will not abuse descriptive names. Take the time to understand there meanings and origins and thus using them properly. . . . . . Lar M -----
Boas By Klevitz
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