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at Fri Nov 14 13:23:41 2008 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by obsolescenttears ]
I will have 4 BP babies ranging from 1-3 months old comming to me in MN next week. My question is, I have a rack system that can hold 8 28qt containers, will these be too big to house such young babies? And if so, what should I put them in in the mean time?
Also, how do I know when I should be giving them bigger food, and more of it?
It seems most breeders have there snakes in rack systems with little lighting. (or the ones I have talked to) however, in a BP book i recently aquired they seem to condimn this in less its for short periods of time. Will my babies grow up big and healthy if I keep them in a rack system that gets no light? And Should I turn on a desk lamp during the day so they get light thru the front? The heat tape is on the back. Will this be enough to keep them warm and how does it grade down? From 90-95 in the back to around 75 at the front, is there something special i need to do to make it cool? the 28qt seem long enough to do this but if I have to put them in something smaller how do i keep them from being too warm.
I have clay shelters with 1 opening for each baby and my snake i have had for about a year is in repti bark so i will probably keep him in that as he likes it well enough. but i was planning on using cypress mulch for the babies.
sorry i know its 100000 questions but i dont want to hurt them by not knowing something. and it seems books are a bit out of date and a lot of people have different opinions and it would be easier on a forum to find out what i need.
Thank you so much! Tianna ----- ~Tianna~
1 BP norm 'Fluffy' 1 st. bernard/great paranese mix 'Chester' I am a fostermom for pitts/bully breeds (mainly pitts and their mix's) my current is Anjel and she lives up to her name to such a amazing extent!
We must all learn to blame the DEED and not the BREED, dogs are what we make them. Remember Pitties rank above labs in temperment testing, and that says something.
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