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RE: Yes

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Posted by: snakesatsunset at Thu Jan 22 21:50:56 2009   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by snakesatsunset ]  

We have shipped THOUSANDS of boxes and have ALWAYS used heatpacks. If you know how to use them they are perfect. A heat pack is DESIGNED for animal shipping. If you use HUMAN grade like for hunting and putting in your boots and what not, those will cook anything. REPTILE heat packs made for animal shipping are designed to be used for animals int he box. They raise temps about 10 degrees per pack per square foot. We use one per 12x9x6 box, 2 for 15x11x7 box(or one depending on contents) and 2-3 for standard fish boxes. I think the brand is UNI pack? You can get them from superior enterprises. They were originally for birds and fish. We use packs that are 30hr as they heat up quicker and by the time they get to a hub in central U.S. (knoxville or tennesee) they are full capacity and about to dwindle. Once they leave hub they lose potency and get to destination where temps might be higher then hubs at a much less temp in box. I have seen and heard of hundreds of chilled shipments regarding no heatpacks. As well as overkill on heatpacks toasting stuff. 10 out of 10 times its becuase someone doesnt know how to use heatpacks correctly or use hunting ones from walgreens or walmart. Think of it this way, if one pack raises temps 10 degrees and its 50f, someone puts 4-5 packs(like Ive seen done before) and you got 90-100f in that box for a few hours. Toast!

Also we put only two holes per box if going to any area over 50 and ZERO holes if going to below 50.
Never had a doa boa or python.

Personally weve never had a problem with heatpacks nor problems with animals being toasted. At the same time we have never had anyone complain or call that there animals werent moving or so cold they couldnt.

If it works for certain people to ship a certain way, great. No need to change it. But personally, I would much rather recieve a snake that was room temp then so cold i was worried it was dead.


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