Posted by:
at Fri Jan 23 10:56:44 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jscrick ]
Sometimes I just can't help myself. That's a good part of what's up with my "signature".
My cold weather shipping/packaging routine is very involved: I start with an over-sized container, with Heat Packs attached within a false bottom (sub-base) and a false top (Attic), both at one end. Think of it as additionally heated and insulated walls. The purpose is to to keep the cold out, not heat the animal. Box seams are NOT fully taped and with 2 very small holes/slits on each side of the carton/container. I do want some limited air-flow. Like Jeff said, short term cold isn't going to hurt them any more than lack of oxygen or excessive heat will. Heat Packs do consume Oxygen. The box is labeled as - "LIVE Harmless Reptiles, RUSH, Avoid Extreme HEAT or COLD".
I use the largest bag possible - to cover the entire inner contents area, if I can. Shredded newspaper, wadded newspaper, paper towels - all lightly moistened with distilled water using an atomizing sprayer, inside the bag. A pouch of Zeolite and Activated Carbon is included to mitigate odors or harmful gasses should they occur. Both ends of bag secured with tie wraps. Snake bags most commonly fail at the bottom corners. Using the largest bag possible, stuffed with excelsior material and wadding for insulation is for the snake to be better able to move to its most optimum situation within the bag/entire container, rather than being trapped against a heat pack or in the coldest location within the shipping carton. In other words, the bag is in contact with the box inner walls, instead of the newspaper stuffing being in between the bag and the inside walls. Much more functional that way. A paradigm shift. Thinking outside the box. No pun intended. Newspaper inside the bag is for better absorbency should bodily fluids be released, as well. It also allows the snake something to grip for psychological security. Snugness and contact security are important. Why stress them more than necessary? The moistening of bag contents is to to prevent dehydration. A well hydrated snake can better tolerate high and low temperature extremes without permanent damage. I also soak snakes before shipment for that reason and to encourage defecation prior to shipping, rather than during shipping.
A little more expensive with larger bag and larger box, but It's out of my control once it leaves my hands and I'd prefer to have as many safety redundancies as possible to avoid conflict. I prefer safety over-kill to snake for-real-kill.
See what I mean - all wordy, complicated, and anal.
jsc ----- "As hard as I've tried, just can't NOT do this" John Crickmer
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