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RE: TOM CRUTCHFIELD tell us how it really is

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Posted by: Alden340 at Sat Feb 14 10:13:07 2009   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Alden340 ]  

Seems while I was asleep a lot of people were at work writing to me. Here and my personal email address.

I'll answer what I can in one. Anything, anyone, I leave out, don't respond to, either I don't know the answer to your question, or because it wasn't a question but an accusation of my so-called complicity with the enemy, or pure stupidity.

To begin with.

I stand corrected. Spelling typo. One I seem to always make. Apologies to all. Especially Marshall.
The guy with the mask does not work for PIJAC. Thankfully.

As for another needed correction --- someone compared Sierra Club to PETA. Considering their philosophies, history, and many times they have sued each other. That's like comparing Sarah Hillary Clinton. Oops they tried that.

Also sorry if my answers/email sounded sarcastic. That is the trouble with email, sarcasm, irony doesn't translate. And it's seen where it isn't intended. Apologies if anything I wrote came out that way. It wasn't intended.

Tom, I didn't answer your specific questions, because I was half asleep and signing off. But my answer today is the same as yesterday. I don't know. (questions concerning the gulf stream, expansion to the keys) But they are good questions and should be asked.

Also if DNA samples were taken use FOIA to track them down. Make a formal request to see a copy of the report.

As for your first direct email to me, about bringing scientists and herpers together. Well I guess maybe, one day. But from the emails I have received the problem is on both sides. And I am retiring from trying to defend or explain anyone on both sides. Or in the middle, like me. You can't win. You get called obscenities for trying.

Its like trying to make peace between the Palestine and Israel. Won't live to see it. May not be possible. Positions have hardened too much on both sides. It's all or nothing.

So good luck with your project, dreams, I can only make suggestions.

And probably not even not that by the reactions I've received. Everything seems to have fallen on deaf ears, and the sarcasm and vile in the emails I got are not imagined. Rreading them I felt like a black man who was lured into a KKK rally. (And no I don't mean anyone who wrote are bigots, just an analogy to try show how I felt by the responses.)

So its up to you to make the moves, to form coalitions, to save the herpetofauna we all so love.

Good luck. That I mean with no sarcasm, just wishing you good luck.

I'll just stick to what others say and reporting on it when I can in HD. No more personal opinions or advice.

And to everyone, don't bother responding expecting me to see it or respond I didn't check the box next to -Receive an email notification when a reply is made?-

Signing off



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