Posted by:
at Fri Feb 6 15:27:00 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FRoberts ]
Warning- S373 Introduced into US Senate would BAN Import & Interstate Transport of Pythons
A new bill S373 has been introduced into the US Senate by Senator Bill Nelson of Florida. It would Ban the Import and Interstate Transport of the genus Python. In his introductory comments Senator Nelson used inflammatory language, and cited feral pythons in the Everglades and the USGS Map published By Rodda and Reed as his reasons for introducing federal legislation. His statements were sensational and inaccurate.
There is no credible scientific evidence to support wasting taxpayer’s time and money on this Bill. The only result if this bill was to pass is more harm to the US economy and its citizens. USARK is working closely with PIJAC to develop a strategy to move forward in dealing with this new threat to the families and small businesses that make up our community. A coordinated response will be in all of our best interest.
We are putting together a sample written response. USARK and PIJAC will not allow this to go unchallenged, but your help is required! These issues need to be responded to in writing and by as many people as possible. Right NOW, you can help by recruiting as many people as you know (herpers & non-herpers) to sign up on the USARK Mailing List. This will notify you the moment this response is ready. Or better yet, JOIN USARK's Reptile Nation and help make a difference! Do not wait... Act Now!!
Thank you for your support!!!
Andrew Wyatt
President USARK ----- Thanks,
Frank Roberts
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