Posted by:
at Sun Feb 8 13:32:55 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by charmer ]
I had no idea! Our thoughts and prayers are with him from my home as well... I hope he pulls through and his recovery time is short! I actually have a female hypo/salmon I picked up from him as a baby years ago, who is due in the following weeks! So, even though I don't know him well or personally, he also has my gratitude for that beautiful lady! I hope he is back to conjuring up more amazing snakes in no time! ----- Steph S. Boas... 1.1 Albino boas (Loki & Hope) 1.4 07 Het. albino boas (Petty & Lady,Sierra,Madeline,Lola) 0.1 Reverse stripe poss. het albino (Cookie) 0.1 Salmon/hypo (Scarlet) 0.1 Anery poss. het snow (Missy) 1.0 Anery (Reno) 1.0 Probable Super Salmontine(Kahn) 0.1 Salmontine (Sonya) 1.1 DH Sunglow (Gabrielle and Bonnie) 1.0 Hypo het anery (Don Juan) 1.1 07 Hypo pos. triple hets (Rico Suave & Pumpkin) 1.0.1 Het. Anery (Guy & ?) 0.1 2007 Mostly striped boa (Andromeda) 0.3 Normals (Ophelia, Sasha, & Lulu) 1.0 Surinames (Solomon & Surreal(deceased) 1.3 Hog Isles (Mr.Orange & Peaches, Tang, Isis) 0.0.1 Central American (Sassy) 1.0 ATB (Satan... seriously!) Pythons... 2.1 GTPs (B., Monty & Jewel) 0.0.3 BPs (MJ, Precious, Houdini) 1.2 Carpet Pythons (Jackson, Charlotte, & Cassandra) 0.1 Blood python (Akaia) 1.2 Children's Pythons (Spot, Freckle and Speckle) Misc. 1.1 Mandarin Ratsnakes (Jack & Jill) 1.0 Boxer/Pitt Mutt (Tyson)
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