Posted by:
at Tue Feb 24 20:18:05 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by JustinMitcham ]
OH BOY GEEZE...KJUN.. you are right technically speacking but you are still wrong where this conversation comes to play.. For one anyone here can pull out the dictionary and come up with any definition to fit there post since most words usually have multiple meaning and uses..technicallky speaking..or just to argue.
In OUR industry the term "Hybrid Vigor" almost exclusivly used to describe hybrids either at the species level or at the sub-species level... The term hybrid vigor was not used correctly and still isn't being used correctly in this discussion even if technically it can mean what the poster is trying to say. We can sit here all day long and come up with many different ways to mold these words to fit the arguments. There are two biological definition for hybrid. In biology, hybrid has two meanings. The first meaning is the result of inter-breeding between two animals or plants of different taxa. Hybrids between different species within the same genus are sometimes known as interspecific hybrids or crosses. Hybrids between different sub-species within a species are known as intra-specific hybrids. Hybrids between different genera are sometimes known as intergeneric hybrids. Extremely rare interfamilial hybrids have been known to occur (such as the guineafowl hybrids). The second type of hybrid consists of crosses between populations, breeds or cultivars within a single species. This second meaning is often used in plant and animal breeding. In plant and animal breeding, hybrids are commonly produced and selected because they have desirable characteristics not found or inconsistently present in the parent individuals or populations. This rearranging of the genetic material between populations or races is often called hybridization.
So KJUN and David please point me out where people are regulary using the term HYBRID VIGOR IN OUR industry to decribe cultivers of a single species or sub instead of hybrids?? I think you both know exactly what I mean...and are missing the point. I am not confused on the science here.
Also in our own species interbreeding is taboo and looked down upon..if it is so ok then why has it been so looked down upon both from a Biological, religious and legal point? Mice have been proven to be able to smell other mice which are inbred and thus refuse to breed with them..seems also that mother nature is pretty opposed to the ideal in general..wouldn't you say?
And yes we all know the very act of interbreeding doesn't by iteself cause genetic point is it raises the chance and why do so??..and if given the option most well versed breeders should avoid it..were not cultivating a recessive here so it isn't really necesarry. On a side note my methods of breeding hogs, and the robustness of my lines speak for themselves. There always theory then there's actual real world results, and often they are not easily reconciled with each other!! I have made a huge effort to add new genetics every part of the way...and look at the results I have had! ----- Justin Mitcham
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