Posted by:
at Thu Mar 12 15:38:10 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mpollard ]
Without some equipment or experience, there's really not too much you can do, other than wait to see if she delivers.
Behaviorally, you should have noticed her gaining girth, practically living on the hot spot, and eating little or at least not as aggressively, if she were gravid. Probably alot less active in general, not that baos are track stars to begin with. And, that's if she is behaving near the "norm" for a gravid boa. However, you have to keep in mind that there are plenty of boas that do not behave "normally".
I suppose you could attempt to palpitate to see if you feel anything that feels like developing embryos, but I would't recommend it. Since boa egg "shells" are only thin membranes, I don't even know if you could really feel anything distinguishable. Even if you could, without expereince, you really have nothing to compare it to. Plus, I stongly discourage handling gravid animals at all.
The only practical way to know for sure is to ultrasound. But unless you have easy access to the equipment, that's really not practical either.
So, wait until she either has, or doesn't have, a litter is about all you can do, IMHO.
Sorry, I know you wanted a more definite answer, but that's the best I can come up with.
Mark -----
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