Posted by:
at Wed Mar 18 10:47:24 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by krhodes ]
Just want some feedback here.
As we are approaching different designer morphs in the hognose world, I have a few questions for some of you breeders/hobbyists that are more experienced with double/designer morphs in other snakes like pythons or colubrids.
1) On a double recessive morph, can you have offspring that are obviously double morphs, but lean more towards one trait or the other, rather than being an even mixture of both?
My question comes from my previous post about the first hognose double morph, the silver, which showed traits of both pink pastel and hypo, but looked much more like the hypo bloodline. This in contrast to the "pink glow" seen on page 2 of the hognose galleries here on kingsnake, which is certainly different(almost resembling a snow hognose with the purple and green tones). The pink glow leans more, to me, towards a pink pastel.
2) Could one be a hypo pink pastel and the other be a pink pastel hypo?
----- Thank you, Kevin Rhodes
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