Posted by:
Paul Hollander
at Wed Mar 25 13:58:57 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Paul Hollander ]
A TH moonglow has three gene pairs containing mutant genes. A salmon (AKA hypo) mutant gene paired with a normal gene, a Kahl albino mutant gene paired with a normal gene, and an anerythristic mutant gene paired with a normal gene.
A DH pastel ghost has two gene pairs containing mutant genes. A salmon (AKA hypo) mutant gene paired with a normal gene and an anerythristic mutant gene paired with a normal gene. Pastel is line bred rather than caused by a single mutant, so any or all of her babies could show some pastel influence.
A DH snow has two gene pairs containing mutant genes. A Kahl albino mutant gene paired with a normal gene, and an anerythristic mutant gene paired with a normal gene.
This post will only list the babies by appearance.
The TH moonglow mated to the pastel DH ghost could produce 3/8 normals that may or may not be het for albino and anerythristic, 1/8 anerythristics that may or may not be het albino, 3/8 salmons that may or may not be het for albino and anerythristic, 1/8 salmon anerythristics (ghost) that may or may not be het for albino.
Any or all of these babies could show some pastel influence.
There is no chance of getting a moonglow (salmon albino anerythristic) from this mating.
The TH moonglow mated to the DH snow could produce 9/32 normals that may or may not be het for albino and anerythristic, 3/32 anerythristics that may or may not be het albino, 3/32 albinos that may or may not be het anerythristic, 1/32 albino anerythristics (snow), 9/32 salmons that may or may not be het for albino and anerythristic, 3/32 salmon anerythristics (ghost) that may or may not be het for albino, 3/32 salmon albinos (sunglow) that may or may not be het for anerythristic, 1/32 salmon albino anerythristics (moonglow)
The TH moonglow mated to a normal would produce normals that may or may not be het for albino and anerythristic and salmons that may or may not be het for albino and anerythristic.
Hope that helps.
By the way, the fractions are expectations. Actual results may vary from these expectations.
Paul Hollander
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