Posted by:
at Tue Mar 24 14:52:41 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Ruben14 ]
Yea, definitly not an Albino Arabesque and I had a feeling thats what you were going to say when you put in the tail pic. It's cool it's being taken care of but the breeder really needs to replace it with an animal of the same age or throw something else in to sweeten the deal and make sure your 100% happy which it doesn't really sound like right now. I really don't see how the breeder could've mistook that for an Arabesque if he's well known cause it's very obvious it is not. I would DEFINITELY let them know your unhappy with not getting an animal thats the same age or being compensated for the age difference. I've had a friend go threw a simular experience and got an animal that was 2 years younger as a replacement. Needless to say he lost two precious years and will never do buisness with that person again. Don't let the so called "bigger breeders" bully you in any way. If this person is infact a "well known breeder" they will do what needs to be done to make you 100% happy and keep their name clean casue as we all know,a clean name in this biz is the most important thing if you want to be successful. Atleast thats how I see it. Goodluck and don't be affraid to speak your mind to this person.
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