Posted by:
at Sat Mar 28 18:59:15 2009 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by brd ]
When people don't talk about something, it's an insinuation in itself. I remember you bringing up Supers in the past Jeff, and those posts made some insinuations. If the breeders won't talk about it, someone has to bring it up. I could give first hand experience, and an HONEST opinion, but people don't listen because I'm not on the "big boy" list. Heck, I had someone tell me my animals weren't super motleys because they had seen pictures of Pete's and they looked different. I've seen someone asking about the speckled super and if it lived. Yes, he's still alive and doing well here where he was produced. In general I'd say supers have issues that go beyond inbreeding.
I believe that in this case no news is bad news. There are several people who know the answer to every question that I asked. There are probably several reasons that the so called "BIG BOYS" don't want to make this information known to everyone. One reason is GREED. They know that Super Motleys would not be worth much of anything if it were known that they will most likely die. These people are getting big money or big trade deals for Super Motleys and in my opinion it only goes to show you that they are only in this for themselves. If the so called "BOG BOYS" openly admit there is a huge problem with the Super Motley it will likely make a lot of people angry, especially those who paid a lot or gave up a lot in some kind of a trade deal. This way they can say " I didn't know" so then they don't look so bad. It's the small guy who ultimatly winds up getting hurt. The majority of the people in this business/hobby are the small guy. Some people just don't care who ends up getting hurt. I was contacted through the Kingsnake email system by a Motly breeder and he sent me his phone number. I called him and he said that the Super Motleys do in fact die. He posts here all the time but doesn't seem to want to openly discuss this. Out of respect for him I have not said his name. I can only hope that he and others will come forward and talk openly about this situation. Maybe with a lot of out crossing there will be success but I believe that there is a genetic flaw when the Super form is produced and that gene or genetics will always be present. I don't believe inbreeding has anything to do with it. I happen to think that the Motley and Super Motley are beautiful snakes. I am planning on getting a Motley or two this year. I will never try for a Super Motley. I can understand the fact that people want to make money at this. I think everyone wants to make money at this. But if people are making money selling something that is geneticaly inferior or flawed and know it, then don't you people think that is wrong? I could never knowingly sell something that I knew was defective or had a good chance of dying. People need to wake up and smell the coffee. If the people with this knowledge won't openly discuss this then there is a defenate reason, or reasons. All of them are most likely not good reasons. There are many people that know those answers. Sorry to run on about this but people deserve to know.
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