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RE: Kahl / Sharp pairings

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Posted by: rainbowsrus at Thu Apr 2 17:42:50 2009   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]  

The breeding has been attempted, at least once by Brian Sharp and NO albino's were produced.

A huge problem is figuring out what you have when you breed the DH's back together.

If you take Brian's statement that it was done and got nothing but normals (BTW, I heard this directly from Brian in phone conversations we've had) as true, then it's fair to say the genes are not compatible.

If you agree with the genes being incompatible, then breeding would follow standard DH rules EXCEPT all the phenotypes are merged into two possible phenotypical outcomes, albino (unknown strain) or normal poss hets for either or both.

One other assumption, that you could not tell the kahl's and sharps apart from each other and that the double albino also was indistinguishable from the rest.

Out of a litter of 16 from a DH Kahl/Sharp x DH Kahl/Sharp you could expect (if the odds gods were perfectly fair)

1 Kahl and Sharp combined albino
2 Kahl albino, het sharp
1 Kahl albino
2 Sharp albino het Kahl
1 Sharp albino
9 normals 66$ het Kahl and 66% het sharp

But, if you couldn't tell the albino's apart, then it'd be
7 albinos some kahl, some sharp and one both
9 normals

The next problem comes in proving out and finding the double strain albino and the multitude of unknown status babies that would produce. You would have to breed each of the 7 albinos twice to prove it's status, once to a Kahl and once to a Sharp. Again if all went perfectly according the punnet with litters of 16 you would have...

48 Kahl albino het sharp
32 Kahl albino pos het sharp
16 het kahl pos het sharp
32 DH kahl/sharp
16 het sharp pos het kahl
32 sharp albino pos het kahl
48 sharp albino het kahl

All that and you've only produced and proven one kahl/sharp albino. (240 babies later)

The REAL problem comes later, all these babies with unknown albino genetics will be out there somewhere. Many being bred, some being sold as one strain or the other (could even be right anfd proven by breeding trials) BUT, there would always be the "other" strain genes floating around in each of the two gene pools. Meaning if you bred a het Sharp to a het Sharp (both descended from the original breecing trials, Some of them will be het for the other strain as well. That could result in multiple albino;s some of which are NOT the strain you think.

Could mess up many breeding projects!!

Dave Colling

0.1 Wife (WC and still very fiesty)
0.2 kids (CBB, a big part of our selective breeding program)

LOL, to many snakes to list, last count:
26.49 BRB
20.21 BCI
And those are only the breeders

lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats


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